YCS is a company deeply engaged in the development of intelligence factory automation technologies and solutions, which has extensive customer experience in the domestic and foreign semiconductor industries.
In addition to conventional reports and trend charts, data visualization is the core technology that our company has focused on. A new application similar to Google Maps, which would be presented in combination of real-time changes in item physical location and sensor data is under development.
With more than a decade of experience in industrial automation system development, YCS provides comprehensive services inclusive of but not limited to industrial automation control & monitoring, graphical interface software design, artificial intelligent factory automation as well as system integration.
The eMAP_1.0 system has currently been applied in TSMC, AUO & VIS to monitor various operation information in these factories.
The development of the innovative eMAP_2.0 platform aims to introduce a new technology that would integrate all key processes, intelligent applications and safety operation management.
By combining this new technology platform with disaster response management, we can comprehensively provide field equipment setup for smart factories. This allows smart factories to adopt a visual touch panel operating mode in various aspects, including equipment usage, product manufacturing, condition monitoring, information reporting, and situation response management.
As global competition intensifies in semiconductor industry lately, most high-tech factories have adopted automated production (smart manufacturing). While digital automated production offers the advantage of continuous 24-hour operation, the key lies in the smooth operation of machines and production processes to maintain yield, capacity, and value. Therefore, considering the necessity of stable operations in these factories, the implementation of real-time condition transmission and obstacle resolution SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) during incidents becomes crucial. This helps in reducing the MTTA (Mean Time to Acknowledge) indicator, which represents the average time from system alert to the beginning of problem resolution. It is particularly important in effectively minimizing the increased costs and potential property losses caused by abnormal situations.
Taiwan is an area prone to natural hazards due to climate and geological conditions. Disasters occur frequently in areas with high disaster risks. If the impact of disasters cannot be reduced effectively, the losses caused by disasters will affect the overall sustainable development of enterprises. The response time of disasters will determine the amount of disaster losses and avoid continuous expansion of personal injuries, and even cause irreparable situations. The technical development of eMAP_2.0 is also based on the ESG policy of corporate sustainable management as a guiding principle to enhance the protection responsibility of Taiwanese industries for the safety of employees and the environment.
Introduce the Industrial Security Environmental Protection (ISEP) process with the information security framework in line with the customer. Demonstrate the greatest advantage of visualization technology that integrates various databases and physical geographic information.
When an industrial safety accident or natural disaster occurs, eMAP_2.0 ISEP will immediately start the response program to reduce disaster response, while providing the most immediate disaster relief information and process guidance, integrating on-site intelligence and synchronized response information, allowing the disaster response center to immediately enter the disaster relief response status, in order to avoid the expansion of disaster losses and casualties, or continue to develop into an irreversible situation. Therefore, eMAP_2.0 ISEP would be the strategic choice for future factory emergency response in occupational safety and environmental protection.

Should you desire a deeper understanding, please click: e-MAP(Electronic Map F-JARVIS)